“The human beIng Is a BIologIcal, PsychologIcal and SocIal entIty ...
⟩ Our bIologIcal home Is nature...
⟩ Our psychologIcal home Is our heart...
⟩ Our socIal home Is the hearts that love us ...
And human beIngs always search for theIr home......”
Past Events
New York CIty March 3, 4 & 10, 11
At the DoubleTree on TImes Square
Los Angeles March 15-16-17-18
At LA Downtown DoubleTree Hotel
OBM TraInIng on march 2017
Goal, function & integration
Each system has a boundary
But women think like this
Opinions about the training

Request to be enrolled In OptImum Balance TraInIng
What Is OptImum Balance Model?
Optimum balance is ideal balance. What is ideal balance? You may have read the 650 page OBM book and even attended the 15 days of training. You may have even completed these more than once. And still you may be having difficulty defining “optimum balance.” Because “optimum balance” itself is subjective. It may change according to the person, the context (the natural system) and even your point of view.
But, we can define the dynamics with certainty. For the individual, the primary constituents of optimum balance are biological, psychological and social balance. This is what is referred to in medicine as homeostasis.
Biological balance at its core is related to food intake, movement, sleep and sexual balance being present.
BasIc Courses
This is the training where the big picture of the OBM is introduced. The most important concepts of the OBM and its four main models are presented to participants.
The OBM is a model that explains life and human nature and since all these could be approached as systems, how systems functions are explained in this training.
Attendees of OBM I who learn the fundamental concepts and begin to understand what’s happening to them begin to ask this second question: “How can I begin to change, ameliorate these?
OBM II has been designed to address these questions.
SpecIalIst Courses
This training has been developed with the aim of applying the methods and techniques of the Optimum Balance Model (ODM) developed by Tamer Dövücü as a life model to people in a therapeutic process.
The Biggest Subsystems
A human being, as a personality, is a biological, psychological and social entity. Those three components compose our most basic subsystems.
The 4 Elements
Before positivist science, people observed nature and came to conclusions. The oldest among these (and what some people still use) was the 4 Elements method. You can find it in philosophy, medicine, and attempts to understand human nature.
Thoughts on Time and Infinity…
I remember when the idea of thresholds becoming clear to me. I was in the USA, in the Grand Canyon. You can see the world from layer to layer there
What People With Awareness Seek
Life has so many faces. Sometimes we don’t know which one to handle… Biological issues, relationships, parenting, politics, social relations, making money, other requirements …
About Carrying and Letting Go…
It is sometimes hard to change certain things … There is a balance that has been reached in years. Each piece is related to the other, and the entirety keeps each in place. If you want to change one, the others object …
Birth and Death are a Part of Life
Each new identity is a new birthing … This could be with a new person, a job, a new location, or even a new hobby. But if you don’t give that identity it’s due, it could be a weight on you. You have to form its map accurately and fill it with competencies.
Who Is Tamer Dövücü?
Born in 1967, Tamer Dovucu graduated from high school in Izmir, Turkey and graduated from the International Relations department of Ankara University in 1988. His interest in Western and Far Eastern philosophical approaches began in his university years.
He later started work in banking, becoming a general manager in 1993. In this period, he did graduate work in sociology and began work on a doctorate in economics. And again in this period he developed a deep interest in personal development and management sciences.
In 1997, he got married and took an executive position in London, UK, where he discovered “NLP in Management” and moved onto other applications especially educating himself with Milton Erickson’s teachings.
Returning to Turkey in 1998, he became one of the first NLP practitioners there and gave the first practitioner, master practitioner and advanced trainings in the country. In 1999, he published the book, NLP and Cybernetic Applications from Turkey as well as writing and editing many articles and books.
Mr. Dovucu is the founding president of the Turkish chapter of the Milton H. Erickson Institute, which is the largest and most prestigious organization in its field. And since 2005 Mr. Dovucu has been providing trainings with the US president of the institute, Dr. Jeffery Zeig, as well as a team of doctors and psychologists.
Between 2003 and 2008, he collaborated with Yeditepe University in the founding of the Yeditepe University Behavioral Sciences, NLP applications and Research Department, taking on the management of the department himself.
OBM FoundatIon
The idea that the OBM should be a non-governmental organization came about in 2014 to both Tamer Dovucu and people who understood the value and contributions the OBM is capable of delivering. The aim was to make OBM an international model of thinking and OBM applications to spread to every field. To that end, we started to work on the design of associations and projects bringing together a key group of 30 OBM devotees who are primarily operating at the level of self-realization and/or contribution.
The big picture of the OBM Foundation can be defined as a regulatory system consisting of the following components
Initially, the OBM Foundation’s projects consist of:
– OBM and Psychotherapy
– OBM and Family
– OBM and HR
– Mothering School
– Promotion and dissemination of OBM
– Expanding OBM abroad
These projects will be conducted by volunteers who are experts in their own field and have completed OBM training to at least OBM II.